About Us
Timothy Two Project, International exists to serve a critical need around the world. We are committed to equipping and training indigenous pastors and ministry leaders with the essential truths of the Christian faith so that they can train others. This way, the mandate from Christ in the Great Commission to "make disciples" can be accomplished in areas of the world where there is little or no formal biblical and theological training available.
What We Do
We train pastors
A seminary professor once challenged his first-year students with this question: "How many of you have completed one course in Bible or theology?" When most raised their hands, he declared: "You already have more training than 90 % of the pastors in the world!"
This is why Timothy Two exists: to provide essential training to pastors in the Majority World who don't have access to formal education.
We train pastors to train others
Paul instructed Timothy to teach others to teach (2 Tim 2:2). This is at the heart of our mission. So, we not only teach the pastors; we teach them how to take what they learn and teach it in their churches and communities, as well.
We train leaders of ancillary ministries
In addition to training pastors (and training them to train others), we apply the same methodology to other ministries in the local churches throughout the Majority World, such as children's ministry. In so doing, we hope to bring solid, foundational training to every facet of the local church, that Christ's mandate in the Great Commission might be realized.
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Your support is critical to our work at Timothy Two Project International. There are many ways you can make a difference, and every little bit that you commit goes a long way in helping us fulfill our mission. Learn more about how you can get involved and take advantage of the opportunity to make Christ known among the nations!